
Gucci Handbags - Real or Fake

If you are going to buy Gucci on eBay or any other online stores, make sure there are closeup pictures of the GG logo, the back of the zipper, and definitely the tab with the serial # and Gucci Engraving underneath the zipper pocket. If there are not closeup pictures, then ask!

If you can get to a high-end department store, you can see what a real handbag looks like. As a matter of fact if you have a camera cell phone, you can take a picture and compare what a real Gucci handbag looks like and what is being sold online. I don't know if that is legal to do so beware.

You can check the Gucci Website too and zoom in on the details. What you want to find out too is if the Gucci name is etched. Never should a Gucci Script Logo look crooked.

Tell-Tale Signs of a Fake Gucci Handbag, Purse or Wallet

Stitching is crooked and uneven on the leather and the handbag edges. Gucci does not wrap their Handbags in plastic also. You should also examine the details closely, especially the stitching, the hardware, the logo and font, even font size on the tag, the leather and lining.

The stitching and leather gives it away. If you go to the Gucci website, you'll find out what color and materials a particular style comes in. There are fakes that Gucci doesn't make and the color is a give-away. Again Gucci doesn't have uneven stitching. The logo on the dustbag should be clear. You will see Replica Guccis that have the correct serial number, but the font is wrong and barely legible.

I have to say I picked up a Gucci handbag at a yard sale for cheap. I showed it to my sister who had a real Gucci bag but recently sold it. She looked throughout the bag and outside and told me she thought it was real. Scary.

Remember, you need to research before you put out those big bucks. These tips are just the tip of the iceberg. Again, these are just guidelines. It is your responsibility to do your research. There are many different styles and I will not be responsible for any errors that may be contained in this guide.

