Gucci is one of the most famous brand all over the world, which is a symbol of social status. Its products are wonderful, especially Gucci bags. There are many kinds of it, Gucci handbags.
Gucci has its special brand logo. It contains three parts, the bamboo handle, the equestrian chain and the double capital G. The bamboo of Gucci comes from the nature. All of them inport from China and Vietnamese. Natural materials and manual barbecue technical make it hardly to breakage. The equestrian chain, in the beginning of 20s, the main trasport is horse in Italy. So there were many people to manufacture the saddlery. Gucci is outstanding among them. The chain riding horses is created by Gucci. Except the beauty, this famous detailed design is a cherish memory of the past horsemanship tiem. The double capital G is the ealriest and classic logo of Gucci.
Gucci handbags are some of the most desired and most attractive handbags avaliable in the market. Synonymous with elegance and quality. It is one of the luxurious brand which considered a symbol of rich and wealth. Though gentlemen will sometimes wear loose thick thread sweater, or more salubrious shorts to enjoy the free time. And the same with women. The larger leather handbags they had in their hands still reveal luxurious whereabouts. From the soft calf to gorgeous CROCO, the classic modelling which restored in ancient ways and exquisite workmanship all let people look forward to. Especially a dazzling read one. I am wondering who can drive it?
Saying bout gucci bags, I have to mention Gucci 85 anniversary limited edition handbags. It is so fantastic. In order to celebrate the 85th anniversary of establishment of the brand. Gucci's helmsman Frida Giannini launched a series of limited edition handbags. There are many colors, patterns and materials in this series specially designing for this 85th anniversary. From the design to style, they all learned from the classic brand. The design inspiration of two Bridle and Tartan Web are all from the history of Gucci making the horsemanship products. Bridle design is from the classic pattern of Horsebit and horse reins composition. The Tartan Web is printed with famous red and green stripe pattern Webbing of the brand, which is colorful. In addition, some bags are made from the famous and precious leather like crocodile skin, snake ski. Fine handwork.
Designer Gucci handbag is not only a assurance of aftertaste and fashion. It is additionally a attribute of amusing cachet and recognition. It looks so shinning and lovely that most ladies could not resist the natural charming from it.