I think it is fun to guess why Gucci designers name the Gucci bags after something that is not likely to be the names of a bag. But it seems that we are getting used to it. And this time I still have no idea why this Gucci Medium Tote featuring engraved interlocking G studs is called unset? The name reminds us the elderly, while it is not the kind of granny bag, nor is it the kind of bag that you carry for evening parties after sunset. So I guess the fashion house simply is not able to think of something else. It is just one name or you can simply call it a number so as to distinguish from other bags. It is the kind of bag that goes well with a casual look. You can carry to the office or go shopping or even dating.
This Gucci bag mainly made from beige and ebony GG fabric exists in two styles, one with sand-green-white signature web and white leather trim and the other with green-red-green signature web and brown leather trim. Both leather trims are discreetly stitched to the fabric and the double leather bag handles with 7.8 inches drop are enhanced by the interlocking G studs.
It is not a high-profile bag, but the best thing about this Gucci bag is that it is very functional and versatile. It has push lock closure for security and bottom feet to avoid unexpected scuffing. Sized at 13.83L x 5.93W x 10.63H, the bag is spacious enough for keeping your daily essentials in place. It has inside zip pockets for holding cell phone, PDA and other small stuff.